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What are the Potential Benefits and Side Effects of Taking CBGA Discount For Smoking High Smoke Shop Online Near Me Strongest Binoid Buy Online BestPlace LowestPrice Shop Binoid

CBGA: Benefits and Side Effects

Now that we’re beginning to take a closer look into the raw forms of our favorite cannabinoids, we’re finally discovering that we’ve been underestimating their value all along.  This is especially true of Cannabigerolic Acid (CBGA), the precursor to cannabigerol (CBG) that comes with its own distinctive properties that can be truly game-changing in a person’s day-to-day hemp routine. 

CBGA is still very new to most hemp enthusiasts, which is why it’s critical to have a clear understanding of both its potential benefits, and its potential side effects, so that each customer at Binoid can make the best choice for their needs and hemp-related goals.

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What Is CBGA?

Cannabigerolic Acid is the acidic, raw precursor to cannabigerol.  This raw cannabinoid is what happens when you don’t decarboxylate the cannabinoid in its raw form within the plant material.  Decarboxylation is a process of applying controlled heat to a cannabinoid to activate specific properties that we’ve come to associate with these compounds.  For example, THCA is not intoxicating, but THC, its decarboxylated form, is.

There was a time where we didn’t pay much mind to raw cannabinoids, because we figured, until they were decarboxylated, they didn’t have much to offer.  Now, we know that this isn’t the case.  Prior to decarboxylation, cannabinoids maintain certain properties that are lost after they’ve been heated.  They then take on new properties that are also valuable, but different.

Cannabigerolic Acid is also unique because it’s the precursor to Cannabidiolic Acid (CBDA) and tetrahydrocannabinolic acid (THCA), which become cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).  CBGA is abundant in the hemp plant prior to maturing, after which it converts into these other well-known cannabinoids.

Will CBGA Get Me High?

You will not get high from taking Cannabigerolic Acid because it’s non-intoxicating, as is the case with all raw cannabinoids, which we illustrated earlier when discussing THCA vs. THC.  Cannabigerol also doesn’t have any intoxicating qualities of its own, and so CBGA wouldn’t, either.  This cannabinoid simply bypasses the CB1 receptors that cause a high in response to taking THC cannabinoids that are also in the hemp plant.

What are the Potential Benefits of CBGA?

Studies on CBGA are quite new, and so there aren’t many, just yet.  What this means is that the information below is likely to only scratch the surface when it comes to the true potential of CBGA.  We know that scientists are taking more of an interest in this cannabinoid and other raw precursors like CBDA, and so more research is currently underway.  For now, this is what we know based on the studies that have been done thus far.

#1: Anti-Seizure Properties 

Studies show that CBGA offers properties that relate to epilepsy, by minimizing the instances and severity of seizures.  CBGA may act as a uniquely potent neuroprotectant, meaning that it can regulate the neurological system in a way that minimizes seizure activity in the brain.  This could also have implications for other neurological disorders and imbalances, which we may see in studies performed in the future.

#2: Effects on Oxidative Stress

CBGA may, according to studies, lower oxidative stress by addressing an imbalance between free radicals and antioxidants in the body.  Oxidative stress is a big contributing factor to heart disease and other cardiovascular ailments, and with heart disease being one of the most frequent killers in the United States, we expect that researchers will want to explore this potential effect further.

#3: Effects on Metabolism  

Researchers are particularly interested in the properties that CBGA can offer when it comes to regulating metabolism.  This is a pretty new area of research, but already, researchers are suggesting that CBGA may be useful when it comes to certain metabolic disorders and other irregularities within the body’s metabolism.

#4: Effects on SARS-CoV-2 

A very recent study published in January of 2022 discovered that CBGA may play a role in minimizing the impact of the SARS-CoV-2 virus on patients infected.  The study found that a combination of CBDA and CBGA can block the spike protein of the virus from absorbing into the cells of the lungs and other organs of the body by attaching to the protein and therefore changing its structure.  

What are the Side Effects of CBGA?

So, Cannabigerolic Acid sounds pretty awesome as a cannabinoid to add to your routine.  But, now you might be wonder if there are any side effects associated with taking it.  Well, good news!  CBGA is not associated with any real concerning side effects.  It’s a nontoxic cannabinoid that has not been shown to cause significant harm to the body.  Some people may experience very mild, short-lived side effects such as:

  • Dry mouth
  • Dry eyes
  • Lightheadedness
  • Grogginess

Note: If you do take any medications, however, we recommend speaking with a doctor prior to taking Cannabigerolic Acid on a daily basis.  CBGA may suppress the levels of CYP3A4 in the body, and this enzyme is critical for breaking down many common drugs that are both prescription and over-the-counter.  This could cause certain drugs to build up in the bloodstream, thus become dangerous.

CBGA: Generally Gentle on the Body and Rich in Valuable Properties 

Cannabigerolic Acid is a fascinating cannabinoid that can deliver all kinds of uses to our daily lives.  And, we still don’t know the full extent of its properties as research on the cannabinoid is relatively new.

In the meantime, you can take CBGA as it’s becoming more available on the market.  As always, make sure that you’re buying from a trusted company.  At Binoid, we’re currently releasing CBGA products that are made with only lab-tested, ultra-pure Cannabigerolic Acid distillate and fresh, naturally derived ingredients, to provide you with the same quality standards you’ve come to expect from us.

To Buy CBGA Products Click Here

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