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Delta 8 THC Impact on a Person’s Brain?

It didn’t take long for delta 8 THC to become one of the most in-demand derivatives of the hemp plant with delta 8 products, only second to CBD.  This mildly psychoactive cannabinoid delivers a rich and rare variety of delta 8 effects that the large majority of hemp enthusiasts just can’t get enough of. 

As a cannabinoid, delta 8 has the unique ability to interact with cannabinoid receptors in the body that control the regulation of specific processes that allow us to function on a daily basis.  And, it seems to have a unique affinity for cannabinoid receptors in the brain that control all kinds of aspects of brain function and health. 

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Delta 8 THC: A Basic Look at this Unique Compound

Delta 8 is a naturally occurring compound found in the hemp plant, belonging to a class of compounds known as cannabinoids which are specific to the cannabis genus to which hemp belongs.  It’s a minor cannabinoid that makes up only about 0.1% of the plant’s entire chemical composition – compare that to the 15%-20% or so cannabidiol (CBD) found in hemp, and you can understand what we mean by “minor.”  

Delta 8 THC is, in fact, the natural result of delta 9 THC that has undergone an oxidization process within the plant material due to age.  As the hemp plant ages, a portion of its delta 9 converts into delta 8, which allows the compound to take on new properties.  Most notably, delta 8 is about 70% as psychoactive as delta 9, offering a milder yet still substantial high to users.  The way in which the cannabinoid interacts with the body as a whole also changes, based on its relationship to the endocannabinoid system.

Delta 8 THC and the Endocannabinoid System

The effects that delta 8 THC has on the brain health and brain fog come from the cannabinoid’s relationship with the endocannabinoid system (ECS).  Delta 8 is one of over 100 cannabinoids present in the hemp plant, and what all cannabinoids have in common with one another is that they’re used by the endocannabinoid system in an effort to keep the body in homeostasis. 

Cannabinoids like delta 8, CBD and others attach themselves to cannabinoid receptors found throughout the body, and this process triggers the regulation of the function of adjacent bodily processes, whether they relate to inflammation, mood, pain, etc.

One thing that makes delta 8 stand out is that it has a strong affinity for CB1 receptors compared to other cannabinoids.  CB1 receptors are a class of cannabinoid receptors located in the body’s nervous system, which, among other things, control brain processes.  This means that delta 8 may offer uniquely powerful effects on many aspects of brain function. 

In fact, studies have shown that delta 8 THC is powerfully capable of attaching to specific binding sites in brain membrane to provide strong effects that pertain to all kinds of aspects related to brain function.  It’s important to note that we’re still learning a lot about delta 8. We have found side effects to Delta 8 but they are usually at extremely high doses.

Although it was discovered several decades ago, its impressive popularity is quite recent, and due to the fact that it’s only been legal for a couple of years, medical researchers are only now getting their hands on it to analyze its brain-related properties. 

What are Psychoactive Properties of Delta 8 THC?

Most people who seek out delta 8 products from Binoid are interested in exploring the compound’s psychoactive properties, and we can hardly blame them.  Delta 8’s psychoactive properties are extremely exciting not only because they are federally legal, but because they’re uniquely enjoyable. 

The milder nature of delta 8 compared to delta 9 is something that many people seek out specifically, as the high of delta 8 doesn’t seem to be as mentally impairing as that of delta 9. 

Further, many people report that delta 8 product’s high is particularly soothing and mellowing, which makes it an easy reach after a long and stressful day. Delta 8’s psychoactive properties come from its interaction with CB1 receptors in the brain that control the intoxicating response.  Among other things, activation of these specific receptors influences the transmission of dopamine, which is why so many people find that the effects of the cannabinoid are both uplifting and relaxing. 

Some people report euphoria, which would indicate a strong dopamine response, which is a common characteristic of THC compounds in general, with delta 9 being the most known for this effect.

Delta 8 THC and Mood

Beyond its psychoactive effects, delta 8 THC seems to offer potentially significant effects on general mood.  Research has shown the cannabinoid to possess anxiolytic properties, meaning that it may offer a feeling of inner bliss to those who are anxious or stressed.  This largely comes from the cannabinoid’s influence on cortisol, the neurotransmitter responsible for our stress response which is a key function of our survival.  By balancing cortisol release, our nervous system may become less reactive to stressful stimuli.

Best Delta 8 THC Brands

  1. Binoid CBD
  2. Delta Effex
  3. 3Chi
  4. Urb
  5. Koi 

Above are the best Delta 8 THC brands for brain function. This is based off of product quality, product potency, options available to users, as well as how clean their Delta 8 THC Distillate used in their products is. You cannot go wrong with any of these Delta 8 brands for brain fog and health, however, there are specific products that would be best to use. 

Delta 8 THC and Brain Neurological Balance

Studies have also found that delta 8 plays a role in neurological balance by acting as a neuroprotectant.  Neuroprotectants are critical in that they maintain the integrity of neurons in the brain along with neural pathways that keep cognitive function strong as we age. 

Another application of neuroprotectants is in the management of neurological disorders, including epilepsy.  In fact, a number of hemp-derived cannabinoids are being researched for their potential impact on seizures in individuals who suffer from the condition.

It’s this same property of delta 8 that allows some users to report feeling more motivated and focused on specific tasks, due to a boost in cognitive performance.  However, it’s just as important to note that some studies indicate that long-term, chronic use of delta 9 THC can lead to mild forms of cognitive impairment down the line.  There are no studies showing the same effect in delta 8 users at the present moment.

Also, studies have shown that Delta 8 may give a memory boost, help with brain fog for individuals, and that Delta 8 THC may have benefits for vertigo

Delta 8 THC and Pain

The body’s pain response is a complex process that is carried out by the nervous system.  Pain receptors attached to nerves of the body are triggered by painful stimuli, which sends a signal to the brain that causes pain to be perceived.  But, analgesics interrupt this communication to minimize the body’s response to painful stimuli so that the brain is less reactive.  Studies show that delta 8 THC acts as an analgesic to increase pain tolerance. Therefore, Delta 8 THC may help pain relief

Delta 8 THC: A Cannabinoid Uniquely Capable of Interacting with the Mind 

Overall, delta 8 THC is a cannabinoid that works intimately with brain processes, offering a wide array of effects ranging from mild intoxication to regulation of neurological function. 

But, more practically speaking, your delta 8 experience is only going to be as good as the quality of the product that you’re using.  Products made using cheap extraction methods and other shortcuts are simply not going to give you these effects to their fullest potential.  If you’re interested in exploring delta8’s effects on the mind, we recommend Binoid Delta 8 THC products, since they are always lab-tested, fresh, and as pure as can be.

Check out Binoid’s collection of delta 8 tinctures, delta 8 vapes, delta 8 thc edibles, delta 8 thc capsules, and delta 8 thc dabs today and experience these fascinating properties for yourself!

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