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Best Cannabis Strains For Socialize

We could all use a little help in the social department from time to time, and cannabis is a great way to get there.  The right cannabis strain can give you a major boost in sociability, making you feel more talkative, confident, and even giggly.  If you’re looking for the ultimate cultivar for social occasions, we’ve got you covered with 5 standout strains that are perfect for socializing, whether at a big event or with a couple close friends.


Why the Cannabis Strain You Choose Can Matter More Than You Think

We’ll cover our favorite THC strain choices in just a second, but first, let’s talk about the importance of finding the right strain when you have a specific goal in mind.  When we talk about the strain, we’re referring to the cultivar.  Each part of the world produces specific cultivars, as the chemical composition of the plant is going to vary based on the geographic location, due to its environment and climate.  Plus, modern cannabis breeders are always crossing cultivars together to produce unique strains through deliberate breeding methods.

There are three categories of strains: indica, sativa, and hybrid.  Indica strains are popular for nighttime since they can give you a feeling of deep relaxation and calm in the body and mind.  Sativa strains are great for the daytime, since they produce more uplifting, focus-enhancing, sociable, and energizing effects.  Hybrid strains are a cross between the two through deliberate breeding, producing a balance between both indica and sativa traits.

Every strain can feel different, and taste different.  For instance, taking a sativa that’s super stimulating is unwise if you’re trying to mellow out and go to bed.  Taking a potent indica during work hours can prevent you from getting anything done, which is a problem if you’re trying to derive focus-enhancing, energizing effects from cannabis.

Thankfully, there are loads of different THC strains out there today, and it’s simple to look up a strain online to learn all about it.  Because of this, it’s easier than ever to choose the perfect strain based on the specific effects that you’re trying to achieve.

Our Cannabis Picks for the Best Social Strains

Basically, some strains are far more geared toward socializing than others.  After all, many cannabis strains out there can put you to sleep or obliterate your mental activity, leaving you with no ability to socialize at all.  Let’s go over our 5 picks for strains that can enhance sociability and make you feel like the life of the party.

#5: Mountain Temple

Let’s start out with Mountain Temple, an 85% sativa-dominant hybrid that yields about 20-23% THC.  It can get you into a very social headspace thanks to its euphoric effects that lift your mood, make you feel giggly, and give you the urge to chat about anything and eveything.  While it can definitely give you stimulating effects, this strain also has the ability to make you feel calm and blissful, meaning it’s not a strain that’s known to cause paranoia.

Mountain Temple has a fruity flavor profile with dank, earthy undertones, and it’s quite pungent.  It’s also a strain that has the perfect chemical composition to give you major food cravings, and so it’s perfect to partake in while you have some snacks out.

#4: OG Kush

One of the most recognizable names ever in the cannabis world, OG Kush is a 55% sativa-dominant hybrid with a staggering 25% THC.  OG Kush has that balanced sativa/indica effect that so many people crave, and it’s super versatile, perfect for day or night.  It has a woodsy and citrusy taste that’s also appealing, and its high is perfect for hanging out with friends, making you feel friendly, with an enlivening high that’s chatty, giggly, and philosophical.  

OG Kush is a great choice if you want a social high that’s relaxing, and makes the body feel nice and calm while you talk the night away with your best buds.

#3: Pineapple Express

Pineapple Express is basically a household name, and its high is a longtime favorite among those who like to partake in social settings.  It’s a 60% sativa-dominant hybrid with 25% THC, and was considered one of the most potent strains of all time until high-THC cultivars became the norm.  People are also all about its distinctive flavor profile of fresh pineapple and pine.

Pineapple Express can make you feel alert, focused, and talkative, and a lot of people get giggly when they go particularly heavy with it.

#2: Sour Diesel

Sour Diesel is another longtime legend, and one that’s as in demand now as it was decades ago – particularly for those looking to get high with their friends.  Its sour, lemony, diesel-like flavor is unmistakable, and this 90% sativa-dominant hybrid has about 26% THC, meaning that the high is outstandingly potent.  The high is, definitely uplifting and euphoric, and can produce a major energy boost that gives you the fuel you need to get through your day.

Sour Diesel is the kind of strain you want to share with others, because almost inevitably, you’ll go from talking about deep philosophical topics, to laughing like never before with a lighthearted type of mood.

#1: Tangie

We absolutely adore Tangie for social settings, and evidently, so do many others.  It’s a balanced hybrid, which means you’ll never feel too stimulated or sleepy, which is great if you’re going to be out and about.  It yields about 20-22% THC, and its tangerine-like taste alone makes it a strain that needs to be tried.

Tangie gives you that chill feeling that makes you feel confident, uplifted, and filled with nothing but good vibes for you and those around you.  It’s perfect for chilling out with friends and enjoying breezy conversations, and a feeling of unity and well-being.

Get Talking with These Sociable Cannabis Strains!

There’s nothing like getting high with friends when you want to keep the good times going.  And, as you can see, there are a number of strains that can really boost those social vibes, making you feel more talkative, outgoing, and even giggly.  These 5 strains and many more are available at Binoid so that you can try them for yourself.


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