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CBGA Cannabinoid Dosage: How Much Should You Take?

To call Cannabigerolic Acid (CBGA) “new” would be a mistake.  This cannabinoid has been present in the hemp plant throughout its entire existence, but only now have we really begun to take its potential seriously.  Being a raw, acid form of cannabigerol (CBG) that exists only prior to the decarboxylation process, we’ve underestimated its potential, since most of the desirable properties that we’re familiar with are only “unlocked” after the raw plant material has been heated.

But, now we know that CBGA can offer phenomenal value to our daily lives, as this raw form of CBG actually has specific properties that set it apart from other cannabinoids, including CBG itself.  

In fact, more research is going into studying this cannabinoid’s effects, and the results are quite impressive so far.  Therefore, it’s not surprising that you might want to start incorporating CBGA into your daily routine.  But, with a new cannabinoid comes a whole new approach to dosing to ensure that you get the ideal amount into your body to really feel the desired effects at work.

Cannabigerolic Acid is so new to the market, and current research is fairly limited, which means that no industry-wide dosing standard has yet been established.  But, there is good news: 

  1. CBGA, being non-intoxicating and nontoxic, can be dosed liberally without any real concern. 
  2. CBGA shares enough in common with CBG structurally that we can easily apply what we know about CBG’s dosing standards to the cannabinoid’s raw precursor.

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CBGA Dosage vs CBGA Strength

First, let’s quickly differentiate between the terms “dosage” and “strength” since they are equally important when it comes to overall dosing with CBGA, and all cannabinoids for that matter.

  • Dosage: The amount of product that is consumed, such as one capsule or one milliliter of a tincture.
  • Strength: The number of milligrams in that dose, determining each dose’s concentration. For example: A 50mg capsule is going to be a lot stronger than one 10mg capsule.

What Factors Influence How Much CBGA You Might Want to Take?

In addition to the general CBGA dosing guide below, there are some factors that influence how much you might want to tweak your dosage according to your needs.  Consider each of these before applying them to the more general guideline below.

#1: Your Tolerance 

CBGA is non-intoxicating, and so you don’t need to worry about your tolerance when it comes to psychoactive cannabinoids.  But, some people are sensitive to certain temporarily, mild side effects like grogginess with hemp products.  If you have a low tolerance, then consider starting with the lower dosing option.

#2: Your CBGA Delivery Method

Each delivery method has a different level of bioavailability, which refers to how much of the cannabinoid actually gets into the endocannabinoid system rather than getting metabolized.  For example, inhalable products are the most bioavailable, while edible products are the least.  So, many people make up for this lower bioavailability by taking a bigger dose of an edible than they would an inhalable product.

#3: Your Needs

If you’re taking CBGA just to see what it feels like, you may not want to take as high of a dose as someone who is specifically looking to target something that’s bothering them with the cannabinoid.

What’s the Proper CBGA Dosage?

Because each CBGA product type has a unique level of bioavailability, let’s go over the general dosing guidelines for each one individually.  Also, keep in mind that CBGA-based products come with dosing instructions on the label that you can follow.

#1: CBGA Tincture 

A CBGA tincture is an oil-based product that’s absorbed below the tongue, containing a blend of Cannabigerolic Acid distillate and a carrier oil like MCT oil, which is what we use at Binoid.  It has a pretty decent bioavailability level, and the effects tend to last for around 4 hours.  To determine how many milligrams you’re getting with each serving, divide the number of milligrams in the bottle by the number of milliliters in the product, since most tinctures consider one milliliter a full dose.  So, if you have a 30ml bottle with 1000mg of CBGA, that comes out to 33mg per milliliter.

  • Threshold Dose: 10mg-20mg 
  • Moderate Dose: 21mg-33mg
  • Advanced Dose: 34+ mg

#2: CBGA Gummies

CBGA gummies come in various milligram strengths as well as flavors, and the effects can last for up to 8 hours.  Because the bioavailability level is lower in edibles, we make up for that with slightly higher dosage amounts in terms of the number of milligrams we consume with each serving.  Gummies will tell you how many milligrams are in each piece somewhere on the package.

  • Threshold Dose: 15mg-25mg
  • Moderate Dose: 26mg-40mg
  • Advanced Dose: 41+ mg 

#3: CBGA Capsules

CBGA capsules are another category of edibles, and they absorb just like gummies, offering the same duration of effects and having the same bioavailability level.  The difference is that they’re swallowed whole rather than eaten and have few ingredients.  Like gummies, CBGA capsules come in a variety of milligram strength options.

  • Threshold Dose: 15-25mg
  • Moderate Dose: 26-40mg
  • Advanced Dose: 41+ mg 

#4: CBGA Flower

CBGA flower is inhaled, and this makes it extremely bioavailable compared to other methods.  Either smoked or vaped, CBGA flower is just hemp flower in its raw form, picked prior to fully maturing so that the Cannabigerolic Acid is abundant, since this cannabinoid eventually converts into CBDA and THCA as the plant does mature.  Does not come in different milligram strengths, so we instead determine the proper dosing guidelines according to the number of puffs that should be taken, rather than the number of milligrams.

  • Threshold Dose: 1 puff
  • Moderate Dose: 2-3 puffs
  • Advanced Dose: 4+ puffs 

Dosing with CBGA to Get the Potency You’re Looking for

As is the case with all cannabinoids, you’re not going to get the effects that you’ve been hearing about if you’re not taking a strong enough dose.  And, because CBGA does not intoxicate or cause toxic effects, you can tolerate decent dosage amounts if you want a more potent type of experience.  Overall, it’s important to monitor each dosage and see how you feel, to decide if tweaks need to be made.  Increasing or decreasing your dosage can be done incrementally until you find the sweet spot you’re looking for.

Overall, CBGA is an extremely valuable cannabinoid, and we’re learning all kinds of exciting things about its properties that relate to metabolism, neurological balance and more.  So, we encourage you to experiment with it and search for a product with a high enough concentration to really allow you to experience its effects as thoroughly as possible.

Check out Binoid’s collection of CBGA tinctures, edibles, capsules, and more today and experience these fascinating properties for yourself!

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