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How Long Does PHC Stay In System Last In Body Get Out High Last Urine Leave Drug Test 14 Days Blood

How Long Does PHC Stay In Your System

Hydrox4phc (PHC) is becoming easier and easier to find nowadays, but some people may want to be cautious before taking it, especially if they’re drug-tested.  We’re still learning a lot about Hydrox4phc, and one thing that’s uncertain is how the body metabolizes it, and what this can mean for a drug test result.  The matter is actually even more complicated because there are just so many factors regarding how a person uses PHC products that can greatly influence how long it takes for the cannabinoid to fully leave the body.

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How Long Do the Effects of PHC Typically Last in Our System for?

Before we can get into the length of time it takes for a cannabinoid to fully clear out of the body, we need to talk about the length of time during which the user will actually feel the effects actively.  Just be aware that once the high wears off, there’s still Hydrox4phc in your system, being broken down by enzymes until it can fully clear out of the system, mostly through the urine.

How long you feel the effects of PHC mostly has to do with the delivery method/product type you’re taking.  That’s because each product absorbs into the body at its own unique rate.  Other influencing variables are how much of the product is taken, and how high the user’s tolerance is to the cannabinoid.

  • Inhalable PHC Products (Vapes, Dabs, Flower): Any product that involves inhaling the cannabinoid, whether that be with a vaping product, with raw infused flower or with concentrates, is going to allow for the fastest absorption, and as a result, the shortest effects – about 1 to 2 hours, on average.
  • Ingestible PHC Products (Edibles, Capsules): If you’re ingesting an PHC product, whether that be a gummy, a capsule or a beverage of some kind, you’re going to experience the longest-lasting effects since the rate of absorption is the slowest.  This usually comes out to about 8 hours of effects. 
  • Sublingual PHC Products (Tinctures): Sublingual products, aka tinctures, absorb through the sublingual tissue (below the tongue), absorbing at a rate between the other two methods.  Overall, most people report feeling PHC for about 4 to 6 hours.

Is There a Duration of Time When PHC is Supposed to Leave Our System?

Once the PHC product high wears off, the body is getting to work eliminating the cannabinoid using enzymes that break it down.  With any substance, whether that be alcohol or a medication, trace amounts can linger in the body long after the effects are no longer actively felt by the user.  PHC is the same in this regard – it’s still in your body even if it’s been a while since you’ve last taken it.

Just how long PHC compound and PHC products stays in the body can vary tremendously – about 2 to 14 days.  The reason why the range is so wide is because there are so many different usage-related aspects at work, such as how much you took last, and how often you take it.  For most people, about half of the full dose is fully metabolized 30 minutes after it has absorbed, and then 25% more of it gets metabolized in the next 30 minutes.  It’s that remaining 25% that can take a lot longer to fully clear from the body, and that 25% remaining amount that can potentially influence a drug test result.

What This Means for Drug-Testing Purposes

We don’t know exactly how PHC is metabolized just yet, because it’s unique from delta 9 THC, structurally speaking.  If PHC is metabolized like THC, then yes, it can cause a failed drug test depending on when you last took it, and the testing method that is being used.

Method #1: Urine Tests: Most of the tests administered are urine-based tests, which look for THC-COOH in a person’s urine.  THC-COOH is an enzyme that metabolizes all THC compounds, and we don’t know if this includes PHC just yet.  A urine-based test is easy to administer, and it’s inexpensive.  It can show results dating back to a few weeks of previous use.

Method #2: Saliva Tests: A saliva-based test is only going to show whether or not a substance was taken in the last 10 hours.  Often used by law enforcement, it’s the most common test for someone suspected of driving while intoxicated.

Method #3: Blood Tests: A blood test is used to determine whether or not a person is presently intoxicated, as once the substance leaves the blood, the high is over.  This type of testing method is usually performed in hospitals.

Method #4: Hair Tests: Hair strand tests look for evidence of substance usage, but only 3 months after the substance was last taken, as it can take 90 days for evidence to appear in the hair strands.  It’s a method most often used in autopsies. 

Method #5: Perspiration Tests: A perspiration test involves the application of a patch to the individual’s skin for two weeks, where THC-COOH may be released through a person’s sweat.  It’s a method most often used for clinical research due to its invasive and expensive nature.

What Actually Impacts How Long PHC Could Normally Last in the Body For? 

We said earlier that multiple factors determine how long it takes before PHC product is fully cleared from the body.  So, what are they, so that cannabinoid enthusiasts can make sure they’re using the compound responsibly?

#1: Frequency of Use 

How often you take PHC definitely plays a role in how likely you are to get a positive result.  The more often you take it, the more the cannabinoid accumulates in the body, and the longer it takes before the metabolism can fully rid itself of it.  This means that daily use is more of an issue than occasional use.

#2: Delivery Method  

Earlier, we talked about how the delivery method can influence how long you’ll feel the effects of PHC.  The same applies to how long it may take to clear.  For example, we said that edibles can take the longest before the effects wear off.  Because of how edibles are processed, it can also take longer for them to fully metabolize compared to a faster-acting, shorter-lived method such as a vaping product.

#3: PHC Product Strength 

The product’s milligram strength naturally makes a difference, since taking more PHC in one sitting means that there’s more PHC compound that needs to gradually get cleared by the body.

#4: Your Metabolism

For complex reasons, some people simply metabolize PHC and other substances faster than others.  Everything from your water intake to how much you exercise, and even your thyroid, can determine how long before PHC is finally fully gone from the body.

#5: When You Last Took PHC

Of course, the last time you took PHC matters.  If you’re being given a urine test, it can take up to 6 weeks before there’s no trace left in the body, depending on how much was in your system to begin with.

#6: The Quality of the Product

Some PHC products have are purer and more potent than others, based on manufacturing methods.  For instance, an expired product, or a product that is heavily watered down, can mean that there’s less PHC in your body than you may have thought.

How Long After Using PHC is it Safe to Take a Medication?

Be aware that PHC, like other cannabinoids, can suppress the enzyme CYP3A4 which breaks down a lot of popular medications.  This means that PHC could interfere with certain drugs metabolizing, which would lead to them building up in the bloodstream in a way that could be potentially dangerous.

No research has been conducted on PHC’s specific effects on CYP3A4, hence we don’t have the ability to offer specific guidance on taking PHC along with a medication.  This is why you need to speak to a doctor if you wish to use PHC while on any kind of drug.

Bottom Line: It All Depends 

When it comes to Hydrox4phc and PHC products, we’re still learning about how this cannabinoid works, and how it’s metabolized by the body.  If you’re concerned about this because you have a drug test coming up, obviously you will need to be cautious since, once again, there is a risk of failing.  Even better, you should consider avoiding PHC until the test is over and done with.

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