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How to Take Delta 8 THC Products: Dosage, Strength, & Uses

Delta 8 THC is now widely available in all kinds of exciting delivery methods, with each one delivering this cannabinoid into the body in its own unique way. Delta 8 distillate comes in liquid form, allowing it to be used in a multitude of products. Including vape cartridges, gummies, tinctures, dabs, and more. As the […]

Delta 8 THC Benefits & Uses List

Delta 8 THC has taken the hemp market by storm, being a one-of-a-kind compound known as a cannabinoid, which, like CBD (cannabidiol), comes from the industrial hemp plant.  Like CBD, delta 8 is legal, and comes in various delivery methods, milligram strengths and formulas.  Delta 8 THC is most popular in vape cartridges, disposables, capsules, […]

Are Delta 8 THC Vape Cartridges Safe?

There’s no doubt that delta 8 THC vape carts are becoming a top-selling item on the hemp market.  Combining delta 8 THC with vape-friendly ingredients, these disposable cartridges allow for a uniquely user-friendly, fast-acting, and potent way to experience the properties of delta 8 THC. In fact, Delta 8 THC Vape Cartridges is the most […]

Delta 8 THC Dosage

As more people find themselves feeling eager to give Delta 8 THC a try, it’s natural that a lot of our customers are buzzing with questions regarding what it does, how to take it and what is the Delta 8 THC dosing guide or chart.  Delta 8 is a fast-growing submarket within the hemp industry, […]