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HHC Benefits and Effects

These days, it seems like researchers are discovering a new hemp cannabinoid every month.  This means that unless you’re staying on top of the latest in the hemp industry, it’s easy for some of these cannabinoids to get lost in the mix.  But, if there’s one that’s really worth paying attention to, it’s HHC, or […]

Benefits Of HHC List

These days, it seems like researchers are discovering a new hemp cannabinoid every month.  This means that unless you’re staying on top of the latest in the hemp industry, it’s easy for some of these cannabinoids to get lost in the mix.  But, if there’s one that’s really worth paying attention to, it is HHC, […]

HHC for Anxiety

HHC (hexahydrocannabinol) is a fairly new addition to the hemp market, acting as a federally legal derivative of the hemp plant with a unique chemical structure that sets it apart from other cannabinoids we’re better acquainted with.  We’re still learning a lot about hexahydrocannabinol, but we do have a decent idea of the types of […]