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THC-C Drug Test: Why You Will Fail

Tetrahydrocananbiorcol (THC-C) is coming to the hemp market soon, offering a THC cannabinoid that, fascinatingly, isn’t psychoactive in the slightest.  Still, THC-C does belong to the THC family, which means that many of us need to take into account the very real possibility that taking it may lead to a failed drug test.

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Is THC-C Going to Show Up on a Drug Test?

A lot of people don’t know that common drug tests aren’t seeking out traces of individual cannabinoids, or for the actual cannabis plant.  What they’re looking for is an enzyme in the body called, “THC-COOH” – what THC cannabinoids convert into as they make their way through the body’s metabolic process.

THC-C is federally legal, and the THC-C on the market is derived from hemp, not marijuana.  But, at the end of the day, it is a THC cannabinoid, which means that it’s very, very likely that it does metabolize through the same channel as delta 9, and all of the THC cannabinoids we’ve studied so far.  In other words, it’s very likely that THC-C converts into THC-COOH, which would mean a failed drug test result.

Does This Apply to All Types of Drug Tests?

There are lots of different drug tests out there, and urine tests are the most common by far.  Let’s take a look at each type of drug test, and see what it could mean for those who plan on having THC-C in the near future.

  • Urine Tests: Urine tests make up 90% of the drug tests administered in the country, and are very reliable, inexpensive, and promise a fast turnaround time.
  • Blood Tests: Blood tests are usually administered in hospitals, to determine if a person is currently high.  This means that they pick up on THC before it metabolizes, while it’s still in the bloodstream, so there’s no THC-COOH being detected.  Whether or not these drugs can pick up THC-C is unknown.
  • Saliva Tests: Saliva tests determine whether or not you’ve consumed THC in the last 10 hours.  There’s a chance that you may pass if you’ve taken THC-C.
  • Hair Tests: Hair tests analyze the subject’s hair for drug use within the last 90 days.  They may or may not show THC-C usage.  But, they’re not commonly used because they have a long turnaround time, are expensive, and can be unreliable.
  • Sweat Tests: Sweat tests aren’t typically used to show drug use.  They are more associated with clinical studies.  They consist of a patch that’s stuck to a person’s skin for 2 weeks, where it collects traces of compounds found in a person’s sweat.

What Influences Your Chances of Passing or Failing THCC Testing?

So, what if you have taken THC-C, and just learned that there is a drug test coming up?  How likely is it that you’re going to fail?  Let’s see what can make a difference.

#1: The Amount You’ve Consumed

It’s not surprising that the more THC-C you’ve taken, the longer it will take to fully clear from your body.  If you’ve taken a tiny dose, it can disappear in as little as 48 hours.  It’s all about the amount of THC-COOH that’s in your system at the time of your test, because if you’ve taken a lot of it, you’re going to have an accumulation of THC-COOH slowly leaving the body.

#2: The Last Time You Took THC-C

Urine tests can show whether or not you’ve consumed a THC cannabinoid at some time in the last 2-60 days.  If it’s been a number of weeks since the last time you had THC-C, you’re far less likely to test positive.  If it’s been only a couple of days since you last took THC-C, you’re less likely to pass.  For reasons we’ll explain in just a moment, if you’ve only taken THC-C, say, once or twice, you could very well pass after about 2 weeks or so.

#3: How Often You’re Taking THC-C 

Overall, you’re more likely to pass a test if you’ve only taken THC-C products one or two times.  THC-COOH always leaves the body at the same rate, so if you were taking it several times each day, there may be a sort of traffic jam effect, where THC-COOH remains in the body for a long time, even after you’ve stopped taking it, as it can only leave the body so fast.  In this case, you may test positive for up to 60 days, as your body is still trying to metabolize all of the cannabinoid that has built up in your system.

#4: How Your Metabolism Works 

Some people just metabolize cannabinoids faster than others.  A person’s overall health can have a lot to do with how long it takes your body to rid itself of cannabinoid metabolites, and factors like your weight, your age, your immune system function, and hormonal health all play a role.  And, if you’ve been sick, it can take longer for you to metabolize THC-C completely, as our metabolism slows down when we’re ill.

#5: Other Cannabinoids in Your System

Other cannabinoids can influence the results as well.  Cannabinoids that also convert into THC-COOH, like delta 8THC-OHHC, and so on, will mean that there’s even more THC-COOH in your system than just that from THC-C.

#6: Medications You’re On

A number of popular medications can decrease the speed at which you metabolize cannabinoids.  It seems that all cannabinoids bind up CYP3A4, an enzyme that breaks down both cannabinoids and many popular medications, including steroid medications, opioids, antidepressants, and blood pressure medications.  Basically, if you’re on one of these medications, there’s a likelihood that you’ll metabolize cannabinoids more slowly, meaning a longer window during which you may test positive.

Can Anything Help Me Clear THC-COOH More Quickly?

We’re often asked if there’s something that can help THC-COOH leave the body more quickly.  You’ve probably heard advice over the years, like suggestions about drinking extra water, taking detox products, taking zinc supplements, and drinking cranberry juice.  But, none of these methods have been proven to be effective.  Because of that, we can’t recommend relying on these methods if you have a test coming up.

Bottom Line: THC-C Will Probably Cause a Failed Drug Test Result 

The takeaway is that if you’re interested in trying THC-C, you need to know that you’re at a high risk of failing a drug test, should you have one coming up.  So, if you do, in fact, have a test coming up, we urge you to abstain from not only THC-C, but all psychoactive cannabis derivatives.  At the end of the day, it’s always better to be safe than sorry, especially if something as important as your job is on the line.

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