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How To Take Delta 8 for Working Out

Delta 8 THC has proven itself to be an incredibly useful cannabinoid, just like cannabidiol (CBD) and so many others that come from the hemp plant.  As a cannabinoid, delta 8 is a lot more than a compound that gets you mildly high.  It works directly with cannabinoid receptors belonging to the body’s endocannabinoid system to regulate specific processes of the body that we rely on daily to be at our most functional level.

Most of us associate delta 8 THC with its potential to help offer some sense of calm and bliss, and this comes from a combination of studies showing these effects and numerous users who found that this is simply the best compound for the job.  But, delta 8 has other uses as well that are less discussed, but just as valuable, such as in the world of fitness. 

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Is Delta 8 THC a Good Workout Aid?

A better question actually would be: what can delta 8 offer to a fitness enthusiast?  Well, first we need to understand what makes delta 8 THC stand out from other cannabinoids.  It’s the only cannabinoid in the hemp plant that we know of so far which binds exclusively to CB1 receptors, which are cannabinoid receptors located throughout the nervous system, regulating specific nervous system functions.  

The nervous system can impact working out, as it manages the following:

  • Pain levels
  • Energy levels
  • Motivation
  • Mood
  • Physical and Mental Endurance
  • Recovery Time
  • And more!

What Do We Currently Know About the Properties of Delta 8 THC?

The thing about delta 8 THC is that it has not gathered as much interest from the medical community as CBD, largely due to being new to the market by comparison.  Delta 8, however, has actually been studied here and there over the last few decades, so we do have access to some research that can verify specific properties that can be useful for workout enthusiasts in particular.  

One study in particular offered a breakdown of the primary properties of the cannabinoid, and we’ll go over the ones that pertain specifically to exercising.

#1: Analgesic

Analgesics and anti-inflammatories are often confused with one another but understanding what each property means is important.  Analgesics play the role of desensitizing pain receptors in the nervous system which trigger a response in the brain.  With analgesic properties, delta 8 may be able to actually increase our pain threshold so that we can handle pain more easily.  This is especially useful if you find that your exercise routine causes some form of pain in the body.

Remember that due to its concentration on CB1 receptors, delta 8’s analgesic properties may therefore be more potent than those of CBD, as the latter cannabinoid splits itself between CB1 receptors and CB2 receptors in the immune and digestive systems.

#2: Anti-Inflammatory

Now, we are not saying that delta 8 doesn’t also possess anti-inflammatory properties.  In fact, virtually all cannabinoid that have been analyzed seem to have this function.  Anti-inflammatories aren’t just capable of relieving pain.  They can help injuries heal more quickly and can activate the body’s natural recovery process following physical exertion.  Any fitness enthusiast sees the value in these properties and how they directly pertain to working out on a regular basis.

#3: Anxiolytic

Delta 8 has been examined for its anxiolytic properties, which means that the compound may help soothe stress.  Many of us who exercise regularly underestimate the role that stress can play in our fitness routines.  The more stressed we are, the more fatigued our bodies come as cortisol robs us of our energy resources.  Also, stress can increase inflammation in the body that can disrupt the recovery process following a workout, while also fatiguing the mind in a way that decreases the motivation to exercise.

#4: Sleep-Promoting

Delta 8 may also help balance sleep, and no workout enthusiast can deny that poor sleep can make it awfully hard to feel motivated to go o the gym or go out for a run.  A lot of people take delta 8 at nighttime for this specific effect.

#5: Mood-Lifting

Delta 8 may also offer uplifting properties, as many of its fans describe a feeling of euphoria and an overall elevation in mood.  We know that mood plays a huge role in our desire to exercise.  Feeling depressed can kill our interest in maintaining a healthy exercise routine.  

How to Take Delta 8 THC for a Work Out?

Now, we can provide some awesome information about how you can use delta 8 to the best of your advantage as a fitness enthusiast.  How you take it can determine whether or not you will end up experiencing the specific properties you’re looking for as someone who wants to use it for exercise/fitness purposes.

-Which Delta 8 Delivery Method is Best?

There are a few different delivery methods for delta 8, which each offer a distinctive onset time and length of effects.  Ultimately, this comes down to personal preference, and what specifically you want out of delta 8.  Instead of recommending a specific delivery method, let’s explain what each one offers so that you can make that decision yourself.

  • Vapes: Work within minutes and offer potent effects that last for up to 2 hours.
  • Tinctures: Take effect within an hour, lasting for about 6 hours, with moderate potency.
  • Edibles/Capsules: “Kick in” within 2 hours, with moderate effects that are felt more in the body than other methods, lasting for up to 9 hours.
  • Dabs: More for advanced users, as they are highly potent concentrates that are vaporized with a special dabbing device.  They take effect almost instantly and wear off within an hour.

-What’s the Right Delta 8 Strength?

You should always be conscious of the milligram strength you select.  For one thing, taking too high of a milligram strength as a beginner will get you higher than you anticipated, as beginners have a low tolerance to delta8’s intoxicating effects.  Regardless of why you’re using delta 8, consider starting with the lowest strength available and building your way up as your tolerance increases.

-When is the Right Time to Take Delta 8?

Ultimately, we recommend using delta 8 after working out if you’re new to the compound, to build a tolerance while getting used to the feeling of being high.  Otherwise, you might end up too intoxicated to properly work out, and this can be dangerous if you’re handling heavy workout equipment.  

If you develop a tolerance in which you feel completely clear-minded while delta 8 is active in your body, use it before working out so that its effects are felt while actually exercising.

Working Out with Delta 8: Is It Worth it? 

Like CBD, delta 8 THC certainly has some properties that can be valuable to a fitness enthusiast.  That being said, given it’s a legal cannabinoid, it can certainly be worth exploring.  Just remember to go slow as a beginner, and not operate any kind of exercise equipment if you feel noticeably intoxicated.

Many people Delta 8 before working out either for relaxation or other mental benefits. Just remember to go slow as a beginner, and not operate any kind of exercise equipment if you feel noticeably intoxicated.

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