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Delta 9P Drug Test: Why You Would Fail

Delta 9P is a new cannabinoid that is made from combining delta 9 THC, and THC-P, ultimately offering something even stronger than THC-P in terms of its high and other effects.  It hasn’t really exploded on the market yet, but companies are beginning to roll out delta 9p vapes and other products as we speak.

Delta 9P is, as you will see, a cannabinoid that shares a lot in common with other THC cannabinoids.  Mainly, the way in which it metabolizes essentially puts you at just as much risk of failing a drug test as, say, smoking weed.  Let’s explore Delta 9P products and drug tests more.

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Will Taking Delta 9P Cause a Failed Drug Test? 

Some people hope that because delta 9P is not exactly delta 9 THC, that they’re in the clear as far as drug-testing is concerned.  But, both delta 9P and delta 9 THC convert into THC-COOH, the metabolite that allows THC break down and leave the body, and THC-COOH is what drug tests are looking for, rather than delta 9 THC itself.  Basically, this means that taking delta 9P will almost certainly result in a failed drug test result.

What are the Different Types of Drug Tests That May Pick Up Delta 9p Usage?

There are a few different types of drug tests that are used in various environments, all of which can pick up delta 9p/delta 9 THC.  Let’s compare them.

  • Urine Tests: About 90% of all drug tests administered are urine tests, and are the standard drug tests used for both employment and probation.  They can show THC-COOH in a person’s urine about 2-60 days after it was last taken, and are extremely reliable and low-cost.
  • Saliva Tests: Saliva tests are usually used by law enforcement, most often at traffic stops and when arrests are made, to find out if a person is intoxicated, as they only show whether or not a person has consumed THC within the last 10 hours.
  • Hair Tests: Hair strand tests can identify certain drugs that have been taken in the last 90 days, but they are not the most reliable or affordable, and they have an impractically long turnaround time.  Because of that, they’re rarely used by employers.


  • Blood Tests: Blood tests are used to find out if a person is currently high, and do not look for THC-COOH but rather THC/delta 9P, as the cannabinoid hasn’t yet been converted into THC-COOH.  They’re commonly used in hospitals.
  • Perspiration Tests: Perspiration tests are usually saved for clinical studies at the will of the participant, and require attaching a patch to a person’s skin, where it remains for up 2 weeks, collecting samples of their sweat over the period of time.

What Will Influence the Likelihood of Failing a Drug Test

If you’ve recently taken delta 9P, that doesn’t mean you’re automatically doomed to fail.  Consider the many variables below before assuming what the result will be.

#1: Your Prior Delta 9P Usage  

The date of your last serving of delta 9p is probably the biggest factor.  If it’s been over 5 weeks since your last dose, there’s a really good chance that you’re in the clear.  It’s also about how frequently you took it.  THC-COOH leaves the body at the same rate regardless of how much of it is in the system – in other words, if you were taking the cannabinoid daily for several weeks, there’s a big traffic jam effect as the metabolite clears the system.  If you took it only a few times in total, it may not linger in the body for more than a couple of days.

#2: How Your Body Metabolizes Delta 9P

Some people’s metabolisms fully break down THC-COOH faster than others, based on variables like diet, hydration levels, immune function, thyroid function and overall health.  There’s no way to predict how quickly you’ll metabolize delta 9P, so please don’t assume you have a fast metabolism and risk failing a drug test.

#3: The Strength of the Delta 9p Product  

Products like tinctures, gummies, etc. come in different milligram strengths, and the milligram strength of the product you’ve been using makes a difference.  You’ll process 5 milligrams of delta 9P much more quickly than 25mg, for example.  Obviously, any strength can lead to a failed drug test, so don’t count on taking a low milligram strength, hoping that this means you’ll pass.

#4: Other Cannabinoids in Your Body

If you have other THC-based cannabinoids in your system, that will definitely raise the risk of failing.  For example, if you’ve also been taking delta 8 THC, you’ll have even more THC-COOH in your body that needs to clear over time.

#5: Medications in Your System

It’s possible that medications can slow down the process of clearing THC-COOH.  Many medications are metabolized by the CYP3A4 enzyme, which also plays a crucial part in breaking down THC.  Taking medications that rely on this enzyme could therefore cause THC-COOH to linger in the body for longer.

Are There Methods to Flush Out delta 9P/Delta 9 THC from Your System?

Of course, people want to feel that there’s a guaranteed way to flush these cannabinoids like Delta 9P out of the body, in time for a drug test.  Examples that are commonly used include zinc, which supposedly increases the chance of a false negative, drinking excess water to dilute THC-COOH, and cranberry juice, which people believe helps rid the body of THC-COOH more quickly.

The problem is that none of these methods are proven to be effective.  While someone may have success using one of these methods, it may also be coincidence, rather than proof that one of them is actually effective.  In other words, don’t rely on one of these methods to pass a test.

Where to Buy Delta 9P Carts and Gummies?

Delta 9P is not the easiest cannabinoid to find on the market right now, because it’s so new people have barely heard of it.  Plus, you want to be careful if you do come across it, since some companies may be producing low-quality or even fake products, knowing that there’s a growing demand and little supply.  You should only buy delta 9 thcp from brands that you already trust, like Binoid, where you know you’ll be getting only lab-tested products crafted with clean ingredients and pure delta 9P distillate.

So, keep an eye out over the next weeks and months for products that are being sold by a trustworthy brand.

Delta 9P is likely to come in the same product types as other cannabinoids, as it’s easy to create a distillate using the classic isomerization process used to make delta 8, delta 10, and so on.  You will probably be able to purchase delta 9p in the forms of vapesgummiestincturesdistillates, and possibly even flower and concentrates.

Yes, Delta 9P is Likely to Cause a Positive Drug Test Result!

Basically, whether you’re taking delta 9P in vape form, edibles form, or so on, it’s very likely that you’ll fail a drug test.  Delta 9p is a derivative of delta 9 THC, and made with THC-P, both of which do convert into THC-COOH in the body.

While we’re still learning about delta 9P, one thing that is clear is that its effects on a drug test could be quite damaging to your life, particularly if your employment depends on it.  So, if you have a drug test coming up, simply wait for the test to pass before taking delta 9P.

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