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Delta 9 THC For Sleep

We know that there are countless people who struggle with sleep, and especially falling asleep at night.  If you’re the type to toss and turn when your head hits the pillow, then it might be time to explore the new federally compliant delta 9 THC products on the market.  These contain the same delta 9 […]

5 Reasons Not To Give THC To Your Kids or Pets

Now that we have access to federally compliant delta 9 THC, we can enjoy the effects of this extremely popular cannabinoid without worrying about breaking the law because of where we live.  Derived from hemp, delta 9 is a long-established valuable compound that offers all kinds of positive effects alongside our ability to get us […]

Delta 9 THC: Where Is It Legal? State By State List

It’s a fascinating time for the hemp industry, now that companies have been able to legally sell psychoactive cannabinoids like THC-O, delta 8 THC, and THC-P throughout the country, and more recently, legal delta 9 products, primarily in the form of gummies.  Delta 9 THC is, as we all know, the most controversial component of […]

How To Store Delta 9 THC Gummies

Now that delta 9 THC gummies are exploding on the market, many hemp enthusiasts are stocking up, still thinking that the idea is too good to be true.  Yes, these gummies really are federally legal, and yes, they can provide you with a solid serving of pure, authentic delta 9 THC so that you can […]

Delta 9 THC Dosage Guide

Now that companies have found ways to incorporate delta 9 THC into their products while remaining federally compliant, a whole new wave of hemp enthusiasts are exploring what this known psychoactive can offer to their existing hemp routines.  The key to having an enjoyable experience with delta 9 thc products is taking the proper dose, […]