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What are the Potential Benefits and Side Effects of Taking CBDA Discount For Smoking High Smoke Shop Online Near Me Strongest Binoid Buy Online BestPlace Lowest

CBDA: Benefits, Uses and Side Effects To Know

Maybe you’ve already heard about Cannabidiolic Acid (CBDA), the acidic, raw precursor of cannabidiol (CBD), which is what you’ll find in the hemp plant’s raw buds.  For a long time, most people out there didn’t really pay much attention to this precursor cannabinoid, figuring that its value paled in comparison to CBD, the cannabinoid that researchers have been studying for several decades.

But, scientists have since realized that they have been overlooking a particularly valuable component of the hemp plant all these years.  The more studies observe the distinctive properties of Cannabidiolic Acid, the more we realize that this is quite a powerful plant compound that can offer one-of-a-kind effects that set it apart.  Let’s take a closer look into what CBDA has been shown to be capable of, both in terms of potential benefits and potential side effects.


A Quick Insight into CBDA

Cannabidiolic Acid like we said is cannabidiol raw precursor.  But what does that mean?  Well, the hemp products that dominate the market are products that contain decarboxylated hemp extract.  Decarboxylation is a process of controlled heating that “activates” certain desirable properties found within each cannabinoid.  For instance, we know that tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) isn’t psychoactive unless it has been decarboxylated, which is why you do not see anyone chewing on raw flower buds.

It us true that decarboxylation activates many of the desirable properties found within cannabinoids, CBD included.  But, now we know that this process also means that we lose some of the properties that only exist in a cannabinoid’s raw form.  CBDA is a cannabinoid that’s ultimately different from CBD, and therefore its effects are completely unique.

Will CBDA Get Me High?

Cannabidiolic Acid is not an intoxicating cannabinoid for two primary reasons:

  1. CBDA and its resulting post-decarboxylated cannabinoid, CBD, have no psychoactive properties at all, since they do not interact with cannabinoid receptors in the brain in this manner.  
  2. The psychoactive properties of any cannabinoid cannot be activated until the decarboxylation process has occurred.

What are the Potential Benefits of CBDA?

Before diving into what’s already out there regarding Cannabidiolic Acid’s potential benefits, we need to point out that research on CBDA is still limited at the time of this blog being published.  As we mentioned before, its value has been largely discounted over the years, but now that we understand the hemp plant more than ever before, we’re finally starting to pay attention to what raw cannabinoids can offer independently of their post-decarboxylated forms.

#1: Serotonin Levels 

A lot of focus has been on CBDA’s impact on 5-ht receptors, which are often referred to as serotonin receptors.  It seems that CBDA works on these receptors between 10 and 100 times as strongly as CBD.  For one thing, this can play a role in reducing nausea which many people don’t realize is a serotonin-mediated response.  Serotonin levels also influence our sleep patterns, our metabolization process and our sexual function.

But, perhaps more importantly, serotonin has a powerful influence on our mood.  Low serotonin levels are most commonly associated with depression, but can also be a culprit behind anxiety, psychosis and more.  CBDA seems to improve serotonin uptake, and this is something that researchers feel very hopeful about.

#2: Anti-Inflammatory

Studies show that CBDA may also have a strong influence over inflammation levels, because the cannabinoid seems to inhibit an enzyme that acts as the precursor to inflammation, which is known as COX-2.  This could indicate that CBDA has particularly potent anti-inflammatory effects that would have numerous applications, as it could relate to physical discomfort, inflammatory conditions that disrupt various physical processes and more.  Studies on this topic are still in their early stages, and we’re excited to see more specific applications of the anti-inflammatory potential of CBDA in the future.

CBDA has been getting more attention than ever lately thanks to a study published in January of 2022 about its relationship to SARS-CoV-2 and its resulting disease, COVID.  The study found that oral doses of CBDA combined with CBGA prevented the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein from absorbing into the cells of the lungs and other organs of the body, thus reducing the virulence of the disease in infected patients.  CBDA and CBGA effectively attached themselves to the spike protein, changing its structure in a way that inhibited its ability to permeate human cells.

What are the Side Effects of CBDA?

Now that we’ve established the potential benefits of Cannabidiolic Acid, time to discuss the potential for side effects.  Overall, CBDA hasn’t been associated with any serious side effects, and is seen as no riskier than CBD itself, since both are nontoxic to the body.

Some individuals may experience mild, short-lived side effects that are similar to those of CBD, which include:

  • Dry mouth
  • Dry eyes
  • Lightheadedness
  • Grogginess

The above are easily tolerated and dose-dependent.

Note: If you’re currently on any medications, or simply new to using this cannabinoid, you should speak with your doctor prior to taking Cannabidiolic Acid.  CBDA, like CBD, may suppress the CYP3A4 enzyme that breaks down many commonly used medications, which could cause medications to accumulate in the body in a way that could be potentially harmful.

Consider Adding CBDA to Your Regimen Today!

Cannabidiolic Acid is a cannabinoid that has always existed in the hemp plant, and anyone who has handled raw hemp flower has had access to it at their fingertips.  But, what was once regarded as a largely undesirable cannabinoid has now been shown to be extremely valuable.  Especially, with the latest study that has come out on its relationship to SARS-CoV-2.  

Now that CBDA is finally getting the attention it rightfully deserves, check out the CBDA products available at Binoid.  Here is where you will be able to enjoy its properties through our premium quality standards that include third-party tested distillates and all-natural ingredients. 


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