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What are the Potential Benefits of Taking THCM?

11-Nor-Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol-9-Carboxylic Acid {Carboxy-THC} aka THCM, is the newbie on the hemp scene, and perhaps the most unusual compound we’ve encountered so far, when it comes to the cannabis plant.  It’s never been isolated – in other words, researchers have never found THCM in raw plant material.  But, it does exist in cannabis smoke, and its […]

Where To Buy THCA Vape Cartridges

THCA vape cartridges are quickly rising to the top of the “must-try” list as far as the hemp industry is concerned, offering a quick and easy way to enjoy what’s ultimately a delta 9 THC high, legally.  But, as you know, not all vape carts are created equally, and that’s why it’s so important that […]

Raspberry Cookies Strain Review

One of the top traits pertaining to being a hemp enthusiast is scoping out unique strains with which to savor those amazing cannabinoids.  Now, with the strain world continuously expanding, introducing us to new terpene profiles that taste amazing, while having some promising effects that we’re seeking out the most, this is the perfect time […]

Where to Buy HHC-P in Alabama

Alabamians who crave a powerful high from the hemp plant will want to get their hands on HHC-P, the newest cannabinoid to arrive on the scene.  HHC-P, or hexahydrocannabiphorol, is slowly making its way onto the market, and is destined to be incredibly popular.  But, is HHC-P actually legal in Alabama, and if so, where […]

What Is HHC-P?

The cannabinoid world keeps on growing.  First it was delta products, then it was THC-based products, and now we have HHC-based products.  With cannabis technology continuing to expand at such a rapid rate, now’s the perfect time to be a devoted hemp enthusiast.  Especially, with the introduction hexahydrocannabiphorol (HHC-P).  If this cannabinoid sounds like it’s […]

Delta 8 THC May Be Legal in Alabama for Now But Will That Change?

We know that delta 8 THC has been one of the more controversial cannabinoids to hit the hemp market, thanks to its psychoactive properties that are only somewhat milder than those of delta 9 THC.  But, despite that, delta 8 remains a federally legal cannabinoid thanks to the fact that the law clearly states that […]

Do Synthetic Cannabinoids Fail A Drug Test?

Research tells us that the hemp plant is rich in over 100 individual cannabinoids, and there’s been particular emphasis on cannabinoids of a psychoactive nature in the last couple of years.  Delta 8, delta 10, THC-O, and many intoxicating hemp derivatives offer uniquely enjoyable experiences while acting as “legal highs” for those of us who […]

THC-O Acetate for Pain

THC-O (tetrahydrocannabinol-O-acetate or THC-O-acetate) is a cannabinoid that you’ve probably been hearing quite a bit about lately, as it’s mostly known for being an extremely potent psychoactive that may get users about 3x as high as delta 9 THC.  It’s so new to the market in fact, that our understanding of it is pretty limited, […]

Where To Buy HHC In New Jersey

For those who don’t know, hexahydrocannabinol (HHC) is a hydrogenated form of a cannabinoid, which is achieved using a specialized process, so it basically doesn’t occur in nature.  Now that we explained what it this, this cannabinoid has only recently made its way onto the market.  Still, New Jerseyans are already seeking out all types […]

Delta 8 THC History & Discovery

Delta 8 THC has become so popular that it’s hard to believe it has only really been on the market for less than a couple of years.  Many people, quite understandably, maintain the mistaken belief that delta-8 and Delta 8 THC products is a new discovery, and that its recent introduction onto the hemp market […]