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8 Easy CBD Oil Smoothie Recipes

One of the best things you can do with CBD is to mix drops of it into your drinks you already enjoy. From your morning juice smoothie to your post-workout shake, there are no shortage of recipes you can mix a CBD drop into. Let’s take a look at 8 health and wellness juice/shake recipes you can enjoy with CBD.

Nano CBD Oil vs CBD Oil

Nano CBD Oil or also known as “Water Soluble CBD Oil” have become more popular or trending options of CBD oil recently. This is for many reasons which we will state below. Nano CBD and Water Soluble have been seen as new and improved versions of traditional CBD oils, eliminating a lot of their negative problems. We expect the popularity and growth of Nano or Micro CBD to grow. 

How To Take Water Soluble CBD

The methods of taking Water-Soluble Nano Cannabidiol (CBD) starts with the origins of the product, and their purpose. Water-Soluble CBD tinctures may either be made using coconut oil itself, or other processes that do not need coconut oil as a carrier for the tincture. Water-Soluble CBD products are usually made using a type of nano […]